
We assist you in optimizing your IT projects

Production line hourly cost tracking software

Tracking the hourly costs of multiple production lines in a workshop involves recording and analyzing the time spent by workers on each line dedicated to the manufacture of distinct products. This method provides a precise overview of the resources allocated to each process, optimizing operational efficiency and calculating production costs specific to each product. By integrating this data into overall cost management, the workshop can make informed decisions to improve profitability and production efficiency.

Technologies Used

SaaS Quality Audits and Inventory Management Software

Un logiciel SaaS (Software as a Service) offre des applications accessibles via Internet, permettant aux utilisateurs de bénéficier de fonctionnalités et de mises à jour régulières sans nécessiter d’installation locale. Cette technique nous a permis de délivrer deux applications ayant pour but de :

Simplify inventory level monitoring, optimize replenishments, and provide a centralized view of stock movements, enabling efficient resource management and reducing logistical costs.

Automate inspection management, allowing teams to monitor and ensure compliance with cleanliness standards, while facilitating instant communication for swift interventions.

Technologies Used

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Technologies Used

Press Articles

« As you all know, we have modified the method of recording workers' entries and exits, implementing a new program for monitoring attendance activities and time management (CAP and CAT).

This project was made possible through collaboration between the IT department and Wilstreet Company, optimizing worker activity management and data utilization.

However, signaling points have been increased throughout the factory, enhancing its flexibility.
Finally, I would like to emphasize the benefits that these two programs bring us:
cost savings, reduction of manual tasks and analysis, ease of use, future guarantees, and cost forecasting for each workshop.»

— Robert Roche, DSI
NuestroPerfil N° 95 Mai/Juin 2008 Hutchinson Madrid